Saturday, February 28, 2004

I would never say
forever is for ever
if it was not for the millions
of grains of sand.
They beg to tell of easier times.
Lost for seasons,
bones are unearthed in gardens,
they tell of unspeakable
yet undeniable secrets,
many of which are told behind gloved hands.
There must be a doorway to point
myself toward True North,
I need direction,
turning and turning,
lost in a center of turmoil, chaos
and poems with posters from buses:
my bleeding has stopped.
Has your own kind of bleeding stopped?
Pause, reminisce, die that special death, conclude.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Tuesdays suck. They suck more than Mondays, because I have the whole week before the weekend, and I have to get up so early. On the plus side, I sold 7 iRewards cards at work in 4 hours.... can you say "record-breaker"?? I sure can...
My head is killing me. I think I may have a brain tumor. "It's not a tuuuuuumah" a la Swartzenegger (holy crap I need a spellchecker). No, I think it's just because I'm stressed because I have a quiz tomorrow... holy shit, I have a quiz tomorrow! I haven't studied... stupid computer distracting me from my schoolwork! Blah.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Ok, so is there a rule that only rude, impatient people can shop at bookstores?? Honestly. People need to RELAX. They never think of us little people who run around like freakin' chickens without heads all day, picking up and cleaning up after them. *wishes she had a gun*... *grin*
On a lighter note, my last mid-term exam is tomorrow, and I'm not worried about it one bit. It'll be easy (it's my short story class). I think I'll be getting back my other exams either this week or next week. I'm a little scared, because the others were at least a little challenging... But one must remember that marks don't mean anything *or at least that's what they say.... I don't know if I completely agree*.

Friday, February 20, 2004

*big hugs* go out to Mellie... your blog greatly upset me this morning. you know who you can come to, ok?
It's Friday, which means it's the last official day of reading week. We should have reading month, geesh. I got so much work done, but still not enough. I need to do a LOT more reading. And studying... I almost forgot about that exam on Monday. Sigh. Wishful thinking eh?

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Good day, all.
It is quite early on in Valentines Day, and seeing as how I have a free moment, I have decided to update you on all that has happened since I last updated (sorry for the run-on sentence). I've finished with my pre-reading week exams. The Anthropology one was very easy, the Poetry was fairly easy and Literature was sooooo bad. Seriously bad. Sigh. I also found out yesterday that the Urban Voices committee (a poetry contest run through the TDSB, which I have been published in twice) has asked me to be an official judge this year. I'm so excited. I have to double check that I wasn't dreaming, and I should be hearing back from them shortly :) I am happy nonetheless that they thought of me. I think that's it for me? Chris and I went to see a play tonight (that is, Feb 13) called Copenhagen, and it was very interesting. I quite enjoyed it.
I hope you all have a great V.Day and looking forward to seeing you during Reading Week!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Good day, all. It is Thursday yet again, and I've decided to post one of my recent poems, as I feel that I have a duty to supply Mellie with her daily dose of insanity:


there stands a slender tattooed
vaccinated (?)
(God, letís hope so...)
bloodthirsty body of stinging fury,
with daydreams of
rock and roll/sex/alcohol/needles with sweet nectar.
they take off masks of shock,
replace with frosted eyeballs,
frozen tears as innocence is ripped
screaming from unlucky souls.
squeamish stories of marriage,
happily ever afters,
tinder dry fantasies,
replaced by tuned battle cries
of screeching limousine women,
the typical working girls
in tattered underwear
and stained pantyhose.
thereís no need for crying...
for a life of satisfying filth
is all the rage these days.

Hope that picked you up on this soon-to-be snowy Thursday! (I know it sure has picked ME up... geesh).

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Ok, so it's Wednesday, which means it's almost Thursday, which means it's almost the weekend. yayy weekends. I have to work 17 hours this weekend at the ol' Chapters hole. sigh. That sucks, cuz I have a million things to do next week, including exams I have yet to study for. Maybe I should be doing that now... Ohwell. I've decided I don't like writing essays on a poem. It's quite difficult and useless. I mean, I don't know anyone that would ever care that metaphors and personification were used to blah blah blah (can you tell I only have half of a thesis?!). Gaw. This is university. This is insanity.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Ok, so this is my first blog. I hope this works, since it totally didn't work last night.

Anyhoo, YAYY for blogs. I guess. I feel so behind the times, everyone I know has a blog and I didn't have one. But I do now!!! hahahaha...

Thanks must go out to Mellie for figuring this out for me, since I couldn't... sigh. And thanks also goes out for the mega-cute and funny (and true!!) birthday story on your blog!!

Until next time, my soon-to-be faithful and adoring fans!